To blog or not to blog.....
Ok, so I have resisted the whole blog thing for quite a while, questioning a number of things like why would anyone want to know what I'm up to and do I really want to tell the world anyway. On some level I think that there is an unhealthy obsession with watching other people live their lives that can get in the way of us living our own if we are not careful. At the same time though with the world 'shrinking' the way it is things such as this offer us untold possibilities for keeping in touch with those we care about who may be far away. so after much deliberation, I did it! This is my blog. Its purpose is simple, for those who count themselves as my freinds or family it is a way of keeping in touch and sharing a little of what is going on with me right now. But also, I hope this will be a place for 'creative expression'. There are quite a few blogs out there that have inspired me in the times when I have run out of ideas or the will to create, whether it be photography or other. So maybe I can inspire someone else, who knows ;-) Most of all I hope it will be a happy and carefree place. we all need to escape sometimes ;-) so, sit back and...
Rae x
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